Tag: lifehacks
Beans, or as I see them, the sadist of the kitchen. Superfood, really good for you, and absolute nightmare to cook. I had this idea of combining all the softening methods for beans I’d heard of into one and it worked to make the total cook time 1 hour, including the time it took to…
Electrolyte Drink Ice Cubes
This was a bit of an experiment. I mixed the usual electrolyte mix that I shake up with water with a little bit of bottled lemon juice and poured it into an ice cube tray to freeze. Several hours later, the cubes are in the glass of water at my elbow. And it’s spectacularly good.…
Edited: It doesn’t work! No-Sew T-Shirt Bag
Here’s a T-shirt that is super worn out. There are a bunch of tutorials online for making sewn T-shirt shopping bags to replace plastic/paper ones, so I initially thought I’d try that. Then I realized due to no sewing machine that would take about five hours per bag, hand sewing. No thanks. Here’s what I…
No microfiber cloth on hand
So if you have sunglasses, especially polarized ones, you’ve probably gotten smudges on them and furiously wiped them down with a T-shirt, yielding much disappointment. Going to the store to buy a glasses cleaning kit or a microfiber cloth for cleaning laptops and such is an option but not a very convenient one. Well as…
Pudding Cup For Hair Ties
An additional use for a rinsed out, dried pudding cup © www.abrandnewbookofdays.com 2024
Applesauce Cup and Pudding Cup Pill Area
This is a simple upcycle: I rinsed out an applesauce cup and pudding cup, and dried them. Now they are ready to use as pill holders instead of keeping pills directly on a bedside table. © www.abrandnewbookofdays.com 2024
Meal Trays
This is something I’ve been doing for a while. On days when I don’t have a lot of energy I ask my family members to set up some food on a baking dish and stuff that in the fridge. I go grab it, microwave whatever’s in there, stuff other things from the kitchen on there,…
Improved Pizza Box Laptop Holder
It started to squish. Filled it with toilet paper tubes and wound up squashing those down to fit inside the pizza box. February 12, 2024 Update: Made it unnecessarily hard to type even after entirely filling it with as many toilet paper tubes as it would hold. I think this DIY doesn’t work. February 20,…
Fragrancing The Place
This was an interesting experience, to put it mildly. In most apartments and homes, there is an air intake for the HVAC system. Most of the time it’s in a closet with louvers to allow the air to enter, or in a metal intake box, say, in a basement. You either stash air filters for…
Fruit Fly Traps
Duo of fruit fly traps. The one on the left is a classy standard design of paper cone made of printer paper taped together with a couple of pieces of tape at the bottom sticky side down and the excess paper cut off at the top. The one on the right is another paper cone…