Here’s the method I developed to sow wildflower and flower seeds at the edges of the backyard. It’s simple. First, communicate with family to ensure they mow 8 inches away from the perimeter so stuff can grow there. Second, scatter wildflower seeds sparingly along the perimeter, right among the grass. For larger stuff like sunflower seeds and sweet peas, I kneel and push the seed into the dirt between blades of grass, then cover it up with more dirt using my thumb. Then, I hope for rain!
Pros: Doable. Worked last year to give me at least some flowers. Flax, cosmos, and a sunflower grew and survived here despite a serious batch of heat waves and drought.
Cons: There were only one of each that survived and the sunflower and cosmos died after roughly the beginning of July. The flax managed to make it til late October, though, which was impressive. Grass along the fence line squicks me out and can hide snakes, bugs, and worse… will be using as much mulch as i can this year to smother that around each flower that makes it through the grass thatch.
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